On VG Golf Academy we are helping you to reach your goals with your golf or take your game to a new level. VG Golf Academys bussines idea is to help players on every level to gain succes and have more fun with their golf.
VG Golf Academy always wan´t to have satisfied customers, by help of a good instruction, coahing, body control, do we take our customers game to a total new level.
VG Golf Academy is located at Bro Hof Slott Golf Club
What kind of lesson to you need?
VG Golf Academy always offer the latest in technical equipement that are on the market, for example Trackman III, Sam Puttlab, V1 Video, and BodiTrak force plate, everything for the quickest way for education and a more fun way to learn.
There are two ways to book a lesson at VG Golf Academy, either on email or by phone.
Tel: 070-512 26 71
Email: viktor@vggolfacademy.se
Lesson price: 900 Sek